My Eastport Pram is born!

After taking twice as long as it takes to make a baby, I have managed to complete my Eastport Pram.

John Harris personally sold me a pram kit at the 2006 Annapolis boat show.  I started working on it almost immediately, but I took a long hiatus from it last summer.  Sailing a friend's El Toro last fall provided encouragement to get back to building her.  Even after stepping up the effort, I began April of this year with epoxy coating, painting and varnishing still unbegun.  I really wanted to have her ready by the time decent weather hit Colorado. So I did what I always do when I have to get something done: I set a deadline. In this case, it was in the form of a cookout at my house this last Sunday where I invited 40 people over to see my new boat.  I actually finished her with 5 days to spare!

I displayed her in the library of our house.  It has a cathedral ceiling, so I could raise her sail.

My pram in my library

Finally, after waiting for alignment between weather and schedules, I finally got a chance to get her wet and christen her today.  I'm very happy with how she sails.  I think I'm happy with how she rows, but I sheared off the pin in one of the bronze oarlocks within 5 minutes of rowing her.

Under sail

I've been keeping a blog of my construction adventures at 

I've also got a photo album of her construction and maiden voyage at 

By the way, I named her "geall", which is Gaelic for "promise".



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RE: My Eastport Pram is born!

OK, I'm still getting used to posting images here. Trying again.

My boat in my library

Under sail




RE: My Eastport Pram is born!

OK, one last time.  For some reason the photo of my pram under sail isn't coming thru, even though it looked fine when I posted it.

under sail


RE: My Eastport Pram is born!

RE: My Eastport Pram is born!


Here's your very nice boat sailing. It turns out that your problem is related to the server that's hosting your pictures. I copied the troublesome one to my server and linked to that and it showed up just fine.

The reason it looked fine while you were posting it is because the image file was already in your browser's cache, so the browser was displaying that instead of following the link you posted.

Anyway, it looks really nice. Well done,


PS -Try sliding forward a bit if there's room and you'll go faster. 

RE: My Eastport Pram is born!

Thanks, Laszlo.

For some reason that photo is coming from a different google server than the rest.  Sigh.  I really wish I could edit my previous posts.

Thanks for the sailing advice.  I guess I'm just too paranoid about burying that bow transom. 


RE: My Eastport Pram is born!

Nice work Steve!  I especially like the library shot, although on-the-water photos reveal the true joy of these little boats.  Enjoy! - Ron

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