Mill Creek 13: Build with Hydro-Tek Ply

Hi All,

Been lurking around this great sight for a while now and this is my first post.                        

I've decided to build the Mill Creek 13 from plans, which I just received.

My question is: Has anyone used Hydro-Tek marine grade plywood to build the Mill Creek?

This is the only ply I could find within a reasonable driving distance.

My concern is in bending, the Mill Creek seems to have some pretty tight bends, especially the deck. Hydro-Tec is supposed to be less bendable than some other plys.




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RE: Mill Creek 13: Build with Hydro-Tek Ply

I do not have any expierience with any other ply but the 4mm. ply from CLC. which I used on my Wood Duck. When I researched what was available in our area and what had been written about being carfull about the ply used because of the bends and twist on the Duck--I ordered from CLC and I am glad that I did--the ply was of exceptional quality,it arrived from the East Coast to Colorado quite quickly, and the shipping was off set by not having to pay tax locally and CLC material cost was less. It was not worth the risk in my estimation to try and possibly fail and loose out on material cost and a lot of time.

RE: Mill Creek 13: Build with Hydro-Tek Ply

4mm Hydrotech should bend enough, even for the bends required for a MC. The veneers are made from Meranti which is a heavier wood than Okoume. So if a few extra pounds is a concern, 4mm Okoume is around 12 pounds and 4mm Meranti is around 16 pounds (those are 4x8 sheets), you'd want to stick with Okoume. If price is more of a concern go with the Meranti as it's a bit cheaper. The Hydrotech will also be a darker wood when finished if you're going to have a bright (varnish only) finish compared to the Okoume. You could also use 3mm for the deck to save a bit of weight, if weight is really a concern.

George K 

RE: Mill Creek 13: Build with Hydro-Tek Ply

I had the same experience as cz with buying plywood from CLC. My old truck bit the dust so I couldn't haul wood from Boulter's as I had before. The CLC wood was the same price but much better quality, It was shipped on a Friday and delivered to my door on Cape Cod the following Tuesday. I saved about $20 in taxes and $30 on gas, so the net premium was only about $50 and well worth it for the convenience. -Wes

RE: Mill Creek 13: Build with Hydro-Tek Ply

Thanks to all who have responded with insight & advice.

After considering your advice and adding up the cost of materials, shipping, gas and time involved, I decided to go with the convenience of a kit.

Thanks Again,


RE: Mill Creek 13: Build with Hydro-Tek Ply


I too live on Cape Cod in Cotuit and I bought my 4 and 6 mm Okoume from Woodsmith Lumber in Falmouth.   Good prices and easy (for me) to get to.  My Ches. 17, my first stitch and glue is coming along well.  

                                                             Good luck.  Pete.         






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