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The MC 16.5 kit arrived after being out for delivery four days
The normal shipper turned the shipment over to another delivery service. I assume because it's residential. They had it for four days and the tracking number said out for delivery. Each time I called at the end of the day and it was confirmed that they did indeed have it and I would get it probably the next day. Finally, last evening about an hour before I returned home from a business trip to Maryland, it arrived. BTW, I did drive from BWI over to CLC to check out the place. They seemed to be quite busy...good for them!
A couple of straps were broken which allowed my assembly manual to actually fall out of the carton. Fortunately, the delivery driver handed it to my wife. After inventory, I believe everything wooden is present. The hardware is another story and there are screws and washers missing. I believe I can replace those for a buck or two.
The package:
A deck side panel. This is much rougher than I expected. Is this normal? The bottom panels are like this also:
6 replies:
RE: The MC 16.5 kit arrived after being out for delivery four days
Had the same problem with the kit for my C16. D.B. Shenker only got two out of the three packages in at their hub in Boston. For some reason the third was stuck in Baltimore for nearly a week. It took nearly 10 days after CLC shipped it for it to arrive at my house in MA.
Glad you finally got your kit... now get to work! :)
RE: The MC 16.5 kit arrived after being out for delivery four days
Call CLC ASAP. Tell them what condition the kit is in and what is missing. I am quite sure they will take care of you immediately. I discovered things missing in one of my kits, 6 months into the build and they took care of me right away.
Good luck with your MC 16.5. I have been rowing mine for over 2 years and really enjoy it.
Paul G
RE: The MC 16.5 kit arrived after being out for delivery four days
Thanks for the replies guys. I am only missing a few screws and some finish washers.
Paul, I plan on addng a rowing unit to mine next year. I also want to build the CLC sail rig for it (the trimaran).
RE: The MC 16.5 kit arrived after being out for delivery four days
That side panel is far from "normal". Call CLC and let them know. Better yet, send them a pic in case they don't see this post. These guys have some of the best customer service on the planet.
RE: The MC 16.5 kit arrived after being out for delivery four days
George, it was pretty rough. I got out the planer and sander tonight and was able to clean it up. There are other panels in my box that are similar that I have not touched up yet. I actually received a personal email from CLC tonight. They saw my post. If the other panels turn out to be problematic, I'll let them know.
RE: The MC 16.5 kit arrived after being out for delivery four days
» Submitted by jeffh - Fri, 3/26/10 » 12:00 AM