Has anyone used thickened epoxy to fill tape weave?

I've added two coats to the entire interior portion of the boat.  The fiberglass tape still shows some weave and I can feel the weave.  There are also jagged edges on the weave which I assume I can sand down before painting.  This will be a painted interior and hull with a bright deck.  If I used a little cabosil thickened epoxy on the tape...would that be a problem?

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RE: Has anyone used thickened epoxy to fill tape weave?

Yes. It would be very difficult to sand. Use phenolic microballoons, instead. The mix is lighter and much easier to sand.

Have fun,



RE: Has anyone used thickened epoxy to fill tape weave?

Thanks Laszlo.  I've read posts about using phenolic micro baloons and should have known.  I want to finish this step today, so I hope my local West Marine has the stuff.

RE: Has anyone used thickened epoxy to fill tape weave?

So, my local West Marine did not have MAS phenolic microballoons.  They did have West 410, which according to the MSDS is: 

"Blend containing thermoplastic and inorganic microspheres"  Microspheres sounds a lot like microballoons to me.

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