West Coast Tour 2017

Join us for demos in Wisconsin, California, and Washington State!


We're polishing the boats and changing trailer tires, readying for our annual West Coast Tour starting at the end of August.  We'll follow our familiar route, having concluded that our accustomed demo spots are still the most expedient.
First up, Madison, Wisconsin on Sunday, August 27th, at Rutabaga's wonderful shop on Lake Monona. Rutabaga always rolls out the red carpet.
Then the long hike across to Newport Beach, California on Saturday, September 2nd. We'll be at the Aquatic Center.


Up I-5 to Sacramento, California on Monday, September 4th, Labor Day, where you'll find us at Lake Natoma.
The tour ends at the incomparable Wooden Boat Festival in Port Townsend, Washington on September 8-9-10.  A second CLC truck will tow our Teardrop Camper and additional small craft including the Waterlust Sailing Canoe to the show, as well.
We look forward to seeing you on the road! 

Here's a tentative list of what we're probably bringing along!

Kayaks:  Petrel SG :: Petrel Play SG :: Petrel (Strip) :: Night Heron Hybrid
Sectional Shearwater Sport :: Shearwater Sport
Shearwater 16 :: Shearwater 17 :: Shearwater Double
Chesapeake 17LT :: Chesapeake 16LT 
Mill Creek 16.5 Hybrid :: Wood Duck 10
Wood Duck 12 Hybrid :: Wood Duckling 8 

Stand-Up Paddleboards:  Kaholo 12-6 SUP :: Kaholo 14 SUP
Prone Paddleboards (California & Port Townsend Only):  San O' 16 ::  San O' 14 (Sacramento)
Small Craft: Northeaster Dory ::  Skerry :: Sassafras 12 Canoe

Port Townsend Only: NEW! Teardrop Camper :: PocketShip 
Chester Yawl :: Expedition Wherry :: NEW! Ultralight Dinghy 

A beautiful photo from Steve Fagenstrom on Puget Sound.  

See you next year!


Kit Shipping:  $95 Boats*$195 Teardrops

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