Coming Soon: A Light Outboard Skiff

Peeler Power Skiff Prototype

Now don't look so shocked. CLC-watchers will recall that we experimented with an easy-to-build skiff about this size back in 2004. It was heavy and harder to build than we liked, so almost nine years later John has drawn this light but sturdy 15-footer. It's a "crab skiff," as they're known in these parts, which we're calling the "Peeler" after the local slang for soft-shell crabs.

The Peeler is intended for smaller outboards, 8hp to 15hp, and with clean lines it will be just the thing for crabbing, fishing, exploring, or just knocking around. The kit is nifty, with all kinds of slot-together refinements for quick building. The prototype went together lickety-split in Geoff Kerr's Two Daughters Boatworks shop. From plans, it's just 8 or 9 sheets of plywood and a roll of fiberglass.

No ship-date for kits and plans yet. We'll keep you apprised through the spring as we put Peeler #1 through sea trials, capsize-and-flooding trials, and of course lazy-Saturday-fishin' trials. You can see lots of drawings and construction photos over on our blog.


Also in the Shop:
A Three-Piece Shearwater Sport!

Shearwater Sport Take-Apart Prototype with Eric Schade

The versatile, appealing, and very easy-to-build Shearwater Sport design will be available as a three-piece this Spring! Loosen the big wing-nuts and your 14'6" kayak packs down into a very small space, either for transport or for storage.
You give up nothing in performance. Eric Schade, the Shearwater's designer, mugs for us in the photo here. He built the boat full-length in the usual fashion, but added carefully-designed structural bulkheads at the joints. When nearly done with construction, out comes the saw, which slips between the bulkheads to create three watertight pieces. Stay tuned for more on this exciting project!