Page 2: Chesapeake Light Craft's OkoumeFest at Matapeake State Park, Kent Island, Maryland
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The entire CLC staff stood-to, carrying nearly every boat in our display fleet down to the beach at first light on Saturday.
We were blessed with moderate temperatures, and while it was cloudy, we were spared both rain and sunburn. Our own Matt Cordrey captured this and all of the other photos on these pages.
Nick Schade brought a new design, the Mystic River Canoe. This very handsome canoe will be available as kit and plans sometime in 2013.
Nick Schade's Nymph 12 canoe, built by CLC staffer Matt Cave.
By mid-morning, the crowds had arrived.
The Sassafras 12 Mark II, a 2013 update of this evergreen design, has been quietly field-tested for the last eight months. It made its first major appearance at OkoumeFest.
The Chesapeake Bay Bridge, at one time one of the longest steel bridges over water, is about four miles distant in this shot.
Calm seas made it easy for the beach crew to help folks in and out of kayaks.
Geoff Kerr gave PocketShip rides all day. He's seen here awaiting his next crew. Geoff built PocketShip Hull #1 at Two Daughters Boatworks, his Vermont shop.
A beautiful Petrel built by Dan Thaler.
Model boat building kept the kids busy all day.
OkoumeFest is one of the rare opportunities during the year when you can try out our fleet of sailing designs. This is the Skerry, in a perfect moderate breeze.
Our friend Dudley Dix brought two of his Paper Jet designs, which zipped on and off the beach and were rarely within range of the camera. CLC cuts kits for these now; you can read about that here.
A striking customer-built Shearwater 17.
This was also the first public showing of the new Expedition Wherry, which seldom touched shore all day.
This is in pretty quiet water, but later in the day it got lumpy further off the beach and we enjoyed watching the Expedition Wherry dance in the waves.
The Sassafras 12.
Mystic River Canoe.
The WaterTribe fleet gathered for the first annual OkoumeFest Ultra Marathon, a 65-mile endurance race around Kent Island. Read all about that here.
Steve Judson brought his Viking-themed Skerry. "We come from the land of the ice and snow. From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow...."
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