Top Five Boat Gear Items of 2016
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This list has a charmingly random feel. But according to our computer, these were the most popular boat accessories in 2016:
1. Leather Oar Collars
Lots of rowing boats get built, and rowing boats need oars, and wooden oars are pretty, but they chafe against the bronze oarlocks. These leather oar collars look and feel good and will last as long as the oars do.
2. Oarlock Sockets
We sell a lot of rowing boats. These are the bronze oarlock sockets we've been shipping with kits since the 1990's.

3. Deck Plates
Deck plates? Okay, computer, if you say so! Available in various sizes and colors, these waterproof access ports are convenient for any size or type of boat. We use them in kayaks, and Madness-the-proa has at least seven of them.
4. Footbrace Mounting Kit
Evidently not many of you like the stock kayak footbrace installation scheme, which leaves the bolt-heads exposed on the outside of a kayak forever. This mounting kit hides the bolts inside the kayak's cockpit.
5. Brass Padeye
Nothing sullies a beautiful wooden boat more than ugly hardware. As an attachment point for tow lines, grab handles, rigging, or anything else that belongs on a boat, these padeyes are shipshape and Bristol-fashion.
rounding out the top fifteen . . .
6. Happy Bottom Pad
7. MiniCel Foam
8. Flat Blade Spruce Oars
9. Gift Cards
10. Drop-in Rowing Units
11. Fancy Grab Handles
12. CLC Caps
13. Bungie Cord
14. Spoon Blade Oars
15. Keepers Footbraces
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