A great family boatbuilding project! Build it in a weekend from a kit, or build it from plans using local materials.
The Peace Canoe is an interesting new addition to the Chesapeake Light Craft fleet. Call it a canoe, a pirogue, a bateau, or whatever you like---the Peace Canoe is good basic transportation that you can build in a weekend. With its appealing shape, it won’t look like you built it in a weekend.
The Peace Canoe is aimed at first-time builders and those who don't want to commit to the 80 hours that our stitch-and-glue kits will consume. The quick build was made possible by eliminating epoxy resins and their long curing times, utilizing sturdy materials that do not require fiberglass, and engineering a construction process that is forgiving of imprecision.
The kit has an interesting history. Designer John C. Harris created the Peace Canoe specifically for family boatbuilding events and corporate team-building exercises. "On the drawing board we called it the War Canoe," says Harris recalling the big canoes that he remembered from summer camp. “I definitely wanted to conjure up the whimsy and versatility of those old camp canoes."
And he wanted the construction process to be fun too. "There is no mixing epoxy and no scary toxins," Harris adds. "And definitely no anxiety over dust and bubbles in your varnish - this is not that kind of project. It's designed to be fully hands-on for anyone who wants to join in, regardless of age. Definitely put the kids in charge of the paint job; they'll love it!"
With a one-day assembly time for the kit, the design has been a great fit for marathon boatbuilding events. At the Harvard Business School, faculty and staff built 15 of the boats as a teambuilding exercise. (Harvard had us change the name from “War Canoe” to “Harvard 18.”)
As featured in WoodenBoat Magazine in 2007!
Noting the success of the Harvard exercise, WoodenBoat Magazine selected the design for its Family Boatbuilding event at the WoodenBoat Show in Newport, Rhode Island. “It’s the perfect design,” they said, “but could we call it “Peace Canoe” instead of “War Canoe”? And that’s how the name came about. Through an essay contest, twelve families and groups were selected to build the canoes over two days. WoodenBoat Magazine later reported, "Watching their faces as they climbed into the vessels they created and paddled into the harbor was worth the price of admission and garnered time on three local TV broadcasts."
Like many people, Harris had often been disappointed with the results of one-day boatbuilding marathons. "The boats are either ugly or useless - frequently they're both. On the Peace Canoe I aimed for nice lines and some real utility." The boat's elegant shape fits right in with rest of CLC's attractive fleet. And with a payload of more than 600 pounds, it will easily absorb a family of five and a hearty picnic lunch.
The Peace Canoe has a detailed instruction manual to guide both kit- and plans-builders. The kit is comprised of computer-cut hull panels with puzzle joints to facilitate ultra-fast assembly. The hull is reinforced with traditional stems, sheer clamps, and chine logs, fastened together with polyurethane adhesives (as strong as epoxy but more forgiving!) and bronze ring nails. Plans builders can use AC fir or any strong exterior plywood.