Model: Length: Hull Weight: Beam: Max Payload: Cockpit Size: Paddler Weight: Knee Height: Max. Men's Shoe Size:
Great Auk Double 21' 0" 56 lbs. 26 in. 600 lbs. 33" x 19" 200 - 400 lbs. 10" 13
see other Auks 10 11 14 Great High-Capacity Razor Billed Double
Great Auk Double Configurations:
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Standard Configurations:
Complete Kit
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Alternative Configurations:

Wood Parts Only Kit
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Forms & Strongback Only Kit
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Forms Only Kit
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Full-Size Plans
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Additional Components:

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Invisible Hatch Hold-Down Kit
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The Strip-Built Sea Kayak
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Materials List for Plans Builders:
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Popular Accessories:
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Supplies List for Kit Builders:
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*Some Exceptions Apply

By stretching out the Great Auk, Nick has created a tandem sea kayak that will be comfortable for occasional paddlers while providing an efficient and capable boat for a pair of skilled kayakers. The long waterline allows a couple of strong paddlers to really step out and go fast, while the respectable volume provides enough capacity to carry gear for multi-day trips.

The Great Auk Double is a modified version of the Great Auk. It is longer and a little wider to carry the heavier load of two people plus their gear. Taking the sleek lines of the Great Auk to make a fast and comfortable tandem for intermediate paddlers. This is not just a simple stretch of the Great Auk. I have adjusted the shape to add more volume near the ends. This combined with a higher bow will help the boat rise easily over waves.

This boat fits in between the Guillemot Double and Guillemot Fast Double in terms of performance. It will be faster than the Guillemot Double because it is a little longer and narrower. This makes it a little less stable. But it is not as long or as narrow as the Fast Double.

Our strip-built and hybrid kits ship with 50% Western Red and 50% Alaskan Yellow cedar bead & cove strips. Photos on our website and printed materials may show patterns and accent strips with walnut or other materials. Optional walnut strips are available and can be shipped with kit orders

Kit Shipping:  $95 Boats*$195 Teardrops

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