Model: Length: Hull Weight: Beam: Max Payload: Cockpit Size: Paddler Weight: Knee Height: Max. Men's Shoe Size:
Expedition Single 19' 0" 42 lbs. 21 in. 350 lbs. 29" x 17" 150 - 250 lbs. 11" 14
see other Guillemots Guillemot "S" "L" Play Expedition Single Double Fast Double
Expedition Single Configurations:
» (click here to learn about kit options)
Standard Configurations:
Complete Kit
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Alternative Configurations:

Wood Parts Only Kit
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Forms & Strongback Only Kit
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Forms Only Kit
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Full-Size Plans
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Additional Components:

Retractable Skeg Kit
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Invisible Hatch Hold-Down Kit
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The Strip-Built Sea Kayak
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Materials List for Plans Builders:
» view the Expedition Single materials list and order a la carte!
Popular Accessories:
» view other items you may need
Supplies List for Kit Builders:
» view other items you may need
*Some Exceptions Apply

With the same cross section and similar profile shape as the Guillemot, the Expedition Single has many of the same handling characteristics as the shorter Guillemot. The length of the Expedition Single provides volume for gear and efficient long distance paddling. Although this kayak may appear long for a single, it is nimble. There is a moderately hard chine to help it carve turns. Like all the Guillemot designs it is stable for its width and has a smooth transition from initial to final stability. Novices are comfortable with its stability, and experienced paddlers are impressed with its performance. Nick Schade admits that he is delighted with the design. Everyone who has tried this boat is amazed at how easily it handles. It does not feel like a 19 ft boat.

Do you fit in this kayak?  Study our kayak fit chart. 

Our strip-built and hybrid kits ship with 50% Western Red and 50% Alaskan Yellow cedar bead & cove strips. Photos on our website and printed materials may show patterns and accent strips with walnut or other materials. Optional walnut strips are available and can be shipped with kit orders

Kit Shipping:  $95 Boats*$195 Teardrops

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