If you are looking for a kayak for playing in waves and surf, this boat is a lot of fun. Its wide, flat bottom allows for quick turns and easy surfing. Its low volume makes it an easy roller, but it is wide enough to be stable as you play.
The "Play" is a low volume "play" boat, just for fun. It turns easily with a steering stroke like a white-water boat, yet tracks quite well. This boat is probably best suited for a small paddler because there is very little knee room. Nick's brother Eric is 6' 2" and has a lot of fun with this boat so a larger paddler can fit in it, but it would benefit with a little additional space under the fore-deck. All the Guillemots roll well but this design is the easiest. The low aft deck permits the paddler to lean way back and easily touch their head to the aft-deck.