Model: Length: Hull Weight: Beam: Max Payload: Cockpit Size: Paddler Weight: Knee Height: Max. Men's Shoe Size:
Petrel Play 14' 0" 31 lbs. 23 in. 260 lbs. 31" x 16" 100 - 220 lbs. 12" 12.50

see other Night Herons Stitch & Glue Night Heron High Deck Hybrid Hybrid High Deck Greenland Petrel Petrel Play Petrel Play S & G

Petrel Play Configurations:
» (click here to learn about kit options)
Standard Configurations:
Complete Kit
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Alternative Configurations:

Wood Parts Only Kit
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Forms & Strongback Only Kit
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Forms Only Kit
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Full-Size Plans
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Additional Components:

Retractable Skeg Kit
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Invisible Hatch Hold-Down Kit
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Building Strip-Planked Boats
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Materials List for Plans Builders:
» view the Petrel Play materials list and order a la carte!
*Some Exceptions Apply

When Nick Schade built the Petrel "Play" SG several years ago, he really wanted to build the strip built version. Now it's available.

The Petrel Play fits in a cross-over space between recreational kayaks and sea kayaks. It is stable and roomy enough for novice paddlers and those who enjoy relaxing paddles in sheltered water. It is also responsive and sea worthy enough to go out in rough open water to surf or play in tide races.

The hull of the Petrel Play is has a moderate "V" to flattish bottom with a rounded chine forward transitioning to a hard chine aft, giving it a very solid stability while allowing easy leaning for carved turns. The kayak is full in the bow with plenty of buoyancy to rise over waves. With a lot of rocker the Petrel Play is easier to turn when exploring tight spots, but has nice balanced tracking for venturing off shore.

This is an all around fun boat to paddle. Beginners and novices will feel comfortable with the stability. It has a nice roomy cockpit but experienced paddlers will find solid surfaces for their knees and thighs to grip while playing out in rough stuff. The transitioning chine allows a skilled paddler "point-and-shoot" instinctive turning with just a slight lean.

Our strip-built and hybrid kits ship with 50% Western Red and 50% Alaskan Yellow cedar bead & cove strips. Photos on our website and printed materials may show patterns and accent strips with walnut or other materials. Optional walnut strips are available and can be shipped with kit orders

Build this boat if:

  • You're looking for a comfortable, versatile, compact kayak that isn't a beamy tub.
  • You're looking for a sport-oriented kayak for surfing
  • You want a sleek, West Greenland-style kayak without the gawky 17- or 18-foot length
  • You prefer advanced handling qualities in all conditions, especially waves

Builders also looked at:

Shearwater Sport Shearwater 16 | Petrel SG | Petrel

Kit Shipping:  $95 Boats*$195 Teardrops

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