Model: Length: Hull Weight: Beam: Max Payload:
Cocktail Class Racer 8' 0" 72 lbs. 48 in. 250 lbs.
Cocktail Class Racer Configurations:
» (click here to learn about kit options)
Standard Configurations:
Complete Cocktail Class "Skua" Kit
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Alternative Configurations:

Wood Parts Only Kit
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Frame Kit (For Plans Builders)
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Full-Sized Plans and Manual
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Manual Only
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Manual Only - Emailed PDF
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Study Plans - Emailed PDF
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Additional Components:

Cocktail Class Throttle Component Kit (6 hp only)
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Cocktail Class Steering Component Kit
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SeaDek Nonskid Cockpit Flooring
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Materials List for Plans Builders:
» view the Cocktail Class Racer materials list and order a la carte!
Popular Accessories:
» view other items you may need
Supplies List for Kit Builders:
» view other items you may need
*Some Exceptions Apply

The Cocktail Class is a ridiculously nifty 8-foot-long racing boat. 

Originally known as the "Skua," this 1939 design by Charles MacGregor was published in The Rudder Magazine as an example of what could be done with a novel new material called "plywood."

The Cocktail Class Wooden Boat Racing Association revived the old design and has built up the class as a forum for safe, fun, ultra-inexpensive powerboat racing. Their regattas attract dozens of boats all over the U.S.

Most racers use the class-specified 6hp outboard; there's an 8hp class as well. Refer to the current Class Association rules, Page 12, for all the current engine options.

CLC started producing a computer-cut kit in 2011, with help from the esteemed Farr Yacht Design office in Annapolis. Keith Carew and other desigers at Farr pitched in after-hours to assist in converting the Cocktail Class Racer's old-fashioned plywood-on-frame construction to state-of-the-art stitch-and-glue, suitable for first-time builders. The kit parts slot together like an egg crate, so assembly is quick and accurate. CLC's Cocktail Class kit is light, stiff, fast and, of course, "class legal."  

Chesapeake Light Craft on Modern Marvels!Our first prototype, helmed by Aaron McWain, won the 2011 Cocktail Class Nationals.  The History Channel show, Modern Marvels, featured the construction of a couple of Cocktail Class prototypes in our shop.  You can watch the show here.

CCWBRA Calendar of Events

Kits and plans ship with an extensive, easy-to-follow assembly manual with almost 400 photos and drawings illustrating every step.

Note: "Cocktail Class Throttle Component Kits" include the proper attachment fitting for use with OMC 6hp motors and 1970s or older OMC 8hp motors.  Newer 8hp motors will require manufacturer-specific cable attachments that are not included in our throttle kit. 

For additional information on the Cocktail Class Racer and the Cocktail Class Wooden Boat Racing Association, please visit  

Kit Shipping:  $95 Boats*$195 Teardrops

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