The Non-Nesting Version of the PT 11 Dinghy is here!
Dubbed the "Spear" for its arrow-shaped foredeck, this non-nesting version of the phenomenally successful PT 11 has fewer parts, making it a simpler and less expensive boat to build. The biggest differences between the non-nesting Spear and the original PT 11 Nesting Dinghy are found in the cockpit layout. The PT Spear's hull shape is the same as the PT 11, and performance whether sailing or rowing is spectacular: that is to say, just as good as the PT 11.
The back seat of the Spear spans the stern of the boat instead of being divided to make room for the nested bow of the PT 11. There are baffles that provide air buoyancy sufficient to balance the air buoyancy in the bow compartment (forward of the mast step). This built-in buoyancy is an important safety feature on this boat and in the PT 11 Nesting dinghy.
A water-tight hatch under the foredeck provides access and ample storage space here.
The Spear base kit is less costly than the PT11 kit, and is lighter by a few pounds. The various options offered for the PT 11 Nesting Dinghy (including the sailing rig) are the same for the Spear.
Beam: 50” (with bumper)
Weight: 88-90LBS
Kit Pickup Note: The PT11 & Spear epoxy kits are drop shipped directly to the customer from West System. An epoxy shipping fee will still apply for all kits picked up at the CLC facility or event. Call for more details.
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