Model: Length: Hull Weight: Beam: Max Payload: Cockpit Size: Paddler Weight: Knee Height: Max. Men's Shoe Size:
Pax 20 19' 8" 40 lbs. 19 in. 245 lbs. 31" x 17" 170 - 230 lbs. 11" 12
see other Pax Pax 18 Pax 20
Pax 20 Configurations:
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Plans & Manual Only - Emailed PDF
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Study Plans - Emailed PDF
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Materials List for Plans Builders:
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Supplies List for Kit Builders:
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*Some Exceptions Apply

The Pax 18 and Pax 20 designs were developed at CLC for skilled paddlers seeking waterborne sports cars for racing, exercise, or just plain fun. Starting with a clean sheet of paper, we sought out all of the features that make kayaks fast and combined them with CLC's proven construction methods, creating two very exciting and beautiful DIY kayaks in the process. Kits were in production for 20 years for the Pax 18 and 20, but at present they are available only as plans.

The ends of the Pax 18 and 20 are nearly plumb for maximum waterline length (the heels of the stems are rounded to shed race-killing weed or kelp). Substantial flare is worked into the stem and stern above the waterline to gain buoyancy for work in waves. This extra volume also helps to reduce "squatting" at sprint speeds. Both boats have extremely narrow waterlines, 15-17" depending upon crew weight, which translates into effortless speed in the hands of a skilled paddler. Tracking is solid. Narrow boats can be a handful when surfing at speed, even for experts, so we have included a retractable skeg in the plans.

Narrow boats can also be cramped, so we have taken pains to accommodate large-statured paddlers in both boats by specifying 31-inch coamings and highly cambered decks for footroom. The aft decks are flat and use a standard 7.5" VCP hatch for storage.

Construction is obviously as light as is consistent with hard usage. Bottom panels are 4mm, while the sides and decks are 3mm, and the entire hull and deck are fiberglassed for strength and stiffness. Four structural bulkheads (two of them watertight) are standard. The smoothly radiused decks incorporate a flush mahogany stringer for strength and beauty.

Build this boat if:

  • You weigh 175 pounds or less
  • You are racing in an 18-foot kayak class
  • You paddle fast for excercise

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