Model: Length: Hull Weight: Beam: Max Payload: Cockpit Size: Paddler Weight: Knee Height: Max. Men's Shoe Size:
Petrel 17' 0" 40 lbs. 20 in. 280 lbs. 31" x 16" 120 - 200 lbs. 10" 11

see other Night Herons Stitch & Glue Night Heron High Deck Hybrid Hybrid High Deck Greenland Petrel S & G Petrel Petrel Play S & G Petrel Play

Petrel Configurations:
» (click here to learn about kit options)
Standard Configurations:
Complete Kit (Strip)
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Alternative Configurations:

Wood Parts Only Kit (Strip)
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Forms & Strongback Only Kit (Strip)
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Forms Only Kit (Strip)
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Full-Size Plans (Strip)
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Additional Components:

Retractable Skeg Kit
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Bulkheads (Strip)
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Invisible Hatch Hold-Down Kit
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Building Strip-Planked Boats
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Materials List for Plans Builders:
» view the Petrel materials list and order a la carte!
Popular Accessories:
» view other items you may need
Supplies List for Kit Builders:
» view other items you may need

view Kayak Comparison Chart

*Some Exceptions Apply

Early sailors thought the Storm Petrel could walk on water. Named after Saint Peter, petrels are small birds that feed at sea by fluttering just above the swell with their feet tip-toeing across the water. Like its bird namesake, the Petrel kayak is at home at sea where it can dance among the waves.

Build this boat if:

  • You are a kayak performance enthusiast, looking for speed and refined handling
  • You are looking for a Greenland-style kayak that excels in surfing conditions
  • You can't find a kit for a kayak with recessed hatches, recessed cockpit, and a retractable skeg

Builders also looked at:

Shearwater Sport | Shearwater 17 | Petrel Play SG | Petrel SG

Kit Shipping:  $95 Boats*$195 Teardrops

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