Rail Stock Sapele Mahogany - Marine Lumber

Ordering Options:


If you're building a CLC boat (or any other boat) from plans, here are packages of ready-to-go mahogany rubrails, inwales, and so on.  These are intended to be both structural and varnish-grade for appearance.

We have cut scarf joints in the material, ready to glue to length.  Packages are 93" long, with scarfs as needed to reach the desired length.

These are the same packages we include with our boat kits.  If you're looking for sapele rail stock sold by the foot, without scarf joints, click here.

Note: There is several types of material that we make the rail stock from: Sapele, Mahogany, Sipo, etc.  Contact us to find out what material we currently have in stock. 

Kit Shipping:  $95 Boats*$195 Teardrops

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