Red Oak - Marine Lumber

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Red Oak is an American classic used for boats, furniture, flooring, cabinetry, joinery, and architectural millwork. It's hard, strong, and moderately priced, so many woodworkers greatly value this species. Red Oak has large, open pores and a distinctive grain. Our boards have nice, straight, tight grain. CVG (clear vertical grain) and FAS (first and second grade) standards. 

Finish: S4S (surfaced 4 sides)

Prices shown per Linear Foot of the selected dimension. If you desire board lengths over 7-1/2 feet, please call and indicate lengths for a shipping quote. If you'd prefer some boards with knots or different dimensions than we have offered here, let us know and we may be able to accomidate your needs.

Pickup Orders: Please call ahead to check on availability before making a long trip to pick up lumber.

Kit Shipping:  $95 Boats*$195 Teardrops

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