Walnut - Marine Lumber

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Beautiful Peruvian Walnut hardwood. It grows throughout Southern Mexico through Central American and into tropical regions of South America. These boards have nice, straight, tight grain. CVG (clear vertical grain) and FAS (first and second grade) standards. There can be broad color variations within even the same board, ranging from red, purple to even slight cream color.

This is the same walnut we offer for bead-and-cove strips as accents for our strip-planked kayaks, canoes and hybrid decks.

Finish: S2S (surfaced 2 sides)  

Prices shown are Per Lineal Foot of the selected dimension. If you desire board lengths over 7-1/2 feet, please call and indicate lengths for a shipping quote. If you'd prefer some boards with knots or wider dimensions, let us know and we may be able to accomidate your needs.

Pickup Orders: Please call ahead to check on availability before making a long trip to pick up lumber.

Kit Shipping:  $95 Boats*$195 Teardrops

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