Trailex SUT-250-M2 Kayak & Canoe Trailer Kit

Ordering Options:


The SUT-250-M2 multi-boat trailer will handle 4 Sea Kayaks (on their sides), 2 Sassafras Canoes (12'/16'), or 2 Mill Creeks (13'/16').  A small skiff or sailboat can be hauled upside down with the center uprights removed from the crossbars.  The SUT-250-M includes 8" or upgrade to 12" wheels, Super Lube bearing caps with grease fittings (bearing buddies), wide axle, spring suspension, adjustable uprights & crossbars, running lights, dolly handle, and tag mount.  This trailer may not be suitable for kayaks longer than 19' in length. 

Spare tire and tire carrier are available options.

SUT-250-M Specifications:

  • Hauls 2 to 4 kayaks, or 2 canoes
  • Width (outside of fenders) - 68"
  • Width (between fenders) - 54"
  • Crossbar lenth - 72"
  • Carrying Capacity - 250 lbs.
  • Trailer Length - 14' 11"
  • Shipping weight - 173 lbs.
  • Printable assembly instructions here: [PDF]

Shipping Details:

Trailex kits are drop-shipped from the Trailex Factory in Ohio; shipping fees apply if picked up at our Annapolis, Maryland, shop.  Trailex does not ship to Canada or overseas. Canadian customers may ship to U.S.-Canada border locations with Kinek. 

Trailer Licensing and Registration:

Most states require trailers to be licensed; please refer to your local motor vehicle administration for specific details. Each trailer is issued a Certificate of Origin by Trailex and a Bill of Sale by Chesapeake Light Craft. All drop-shipped trailers will arrive before the registration paperwork. The Certificate of Origin must be sent to CLC to be signed over to the trailer's first owner. Please allow 7-10 days for paperwork to arrive.  

Attention Louisiana customers! We understand that LA law will only allow registration of in-state trailer purchases. Please check with your local laws before placing your trailer order. Returning a trailer would be costly, and we could not cover these costs.

Kit Shipping:  $95 Boats*$195 Teardrops

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