Big Congrats to Mark L. of Chevy Chase, MD, whose photo was voted the best of 2021 in our annual contest!

Mark wins the $1000 CLC gift card.

Each month we ask you to send us your best photos of Chesapeake Light Craft designs, and you've sent us hundreds of amazing shots. We award $150 gift cards to the monthly first-placers, and the big $1000 to the annual winner. So far, we've given away $16.000 for these great images.

Each month we ask you to vote on your favorites, and the top three (or sometimes four, in case of a tie) are put into the running for the overall annual winner. 

Finally, during January, you voted for your favorite of the monthly winners. It was a tough competition this year with so many terrific images, but the votes are in and here are the results. (Click images to enlarge.)

Skerry by Mark L.

Mark's photo of his family enjoying an evening row off the coast of Maine in his Skerry -- which was the runner-up in the September tally -- earned the most votes in a very tight competition.

Peeler Skiff by Terry T.

Narrowly beaten out, in second and third respectively, were a stunning (and scenic) portrait of his Peeler Skiff from Terry T. of Jackson, WY (first in the April voting) and last month's winner, a great shot of her Shearwater 17 Hybrid in a dramatic glacial setting from Nicole N. of Seattle, WA.

Shearwater 17 Hybrid by Nicole N.

Other great entries that caught your attention (and ours as well):

Eastport Pram by Simon B.

Last February's winner, this great shot of his Eastport Pram from Simon B. of Melrose, NY, and a great vacation portrait of his Teardrop Camper from August winner Kevin L. of Valrico, FL;

Teardrop Camper by Kevin L.

Thinking about entering your own photo? Looking for inspiration? Here are a few more images that did well, during the year and in the final count.

Wood Duck 12 Hybrid by Bradley B.

Check out this great shot from Bradley B. of his Wood Duck 12 Hybrid, also a serious contender in December's voting, or Richard M's pretty photo of his Norrtheaster Dory, which won in September.

Northeaster Dory by Richard M.

Teardrop Camper by Thomas E.

Rounding out the Top Ten of 2021 are these three: On the road with Thomas E. and his Teardrop Camper, above; Paul S's mountain-backed image of his wife rowing his PT Eleven (below); and Adam S's happy family enjoying his Northeaster Dory (bottom).

PT Eleven by Paul S.

Northeaster Dory by Adam G

Thanks to everyone who participated, with photos, and with votes. The 2022 Photo Contest is OPEN! Cast your votes for the latest submissions, and keep sending us your best images. You, too, could win either our $150 monthly gift card prize, or the big annual award of $1000! Or BOTH!


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