Re: annapolis wherry

Posted by Jack D on Jan 31, 2008

When I started the build I had every intent on logging my hours, keeping a photo journal--but didn't. It was so much fun I'm sure I spent a lot of time just putzing. That said, I think I had about 110 hours in it including the putzing about. I'm also 5'9" and the boat rows very well just from the seat, but would be better with foot braces; my feet don't reach the next thwart. I also bought the Row Wing and drop it in when my wife uses the boat (actually, I built it for her-it's HER boat, just ask her). The problem with the row wing is the need for different oars. You can spend a lot of money on that "after market" stuff. Recommend you check the Builder's Club list. Might be someone near you who'd offer small hints. I know there are a couple simple things I'd do different next time.

In Response to: Re: annapolis wherry by stevan clouse on Jan 31, 2008



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