Re: 1 or 2 strips of 'gla

Posted by Darren on Feb 3, 2008

Hi, Thanks for the responses. I thought only one layer was required.

I went back and looked, and it was in the Stitch & Glue Boatbuilding book that it says to use two layers of tape...I guess for larger hulls/boats. Got myself confused, thinking the C17 needed this too...and I'm sure the materials list in the front of the instruction book lists two widths/duantities of tape...will have to check.

So I'll only be doing one. Have tied the hull together, and hope to get the epoxytabs done tomorrow, then pull the wires and tape.

Finally looks like a boat, very exciting!

Regards, Darren

In Response to: 1 or 2 strips of 'glass t by Darren on Jan 30, 2008



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