Re: fastest kayak

Posted by George K on Feb 27, 2008


Since you're going to have the same amount of experience no matter which of those you paddle, and if you were to exert yourself the same in each boat, the Pax will be the fastest. The West River would probably be next. I'm 5'10, 145 lbs and have paddled my WR five miles in an hour. Could probably knock a few minutes off that but I find myself being distracted by things that might float or swim by. I've not had any experience paddling or racing any of the others. I have had my but kicked by a Pax which is why a Pax 18 is on my list of boats I have to build.

Always keep in mind that the fastest boat in any conditions has as much to do with the "motor" as with hull shape.

George K

In Response to: fastest kayak by steve on Feb 27, 2008



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