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Re: Skerry mast.
Posted by CLC on Feb 29, 2008
>>>>>I would rather have the sloop sail plan, but don't like the idea of an aluminium mast. Can I use wood instead? And what wood would be best? >>>>>>>
I've seen photos of the CLC Gunter Sloop Rig (really it's the Passagemaker's rig but now employed on both Passagemaker and Skerry) done with a wooden mast. As long as you can conquer the challenge of designing boom- and yard-jaws that can engage the fatter wooden mast, no problem with a wooden mast. It's not too tall so the type of wood isn't that critical, but look for "light and stiff."
The wooden mast is going to need to be about 2" in diameter to have the requisite stiffness.

In Response to: Re: Skerry mast. by Terry Norris on Feb 29, 2008
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