Re: Severn questions

Posted by Charlie on Mar 12, 2008

I built a Yare, also. The designer, Chris Kulczicki, was not fooling when he said "3mm BS1088 okuome". You need the good stuff to be able to flex the panels into shape and to keep the weight down. Remember, there is only 1/8" between the paddlers bottom and the water. It's okuome or nothing. If I had it to do over I would have built the Yare with the high arch deck beams of the Severn to get some additional foot room. The Severn and the Yare are almost vee-bottomed and feel tippy when you first get in but, they are not particularly unstable. As you lean to one side or the other more hull contacts the water and they harden up. It always takes me about 5 min. to get comfortable with the feel of the boat. And the low wetted area makes them extremely easy to drive thru' the water.

In Response to: Re: Severn questions by Dave Houser on Mar 11, 2008


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