First time out - with water pics

Again, everyone was amazed at how easily this glided through the water, and paddling it was very easy - almost effortless.

This was a little beach with no one around to let me get my sea legs; we then went on to a long creek for some distance work.  Did about an hour and that was plenty for my first time out.

Very nice.  Now if I can just figure out how to hang it in my garage... (my pulley system isn't working)....

Enjoy.  I sure did!


10 replies:

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RE: First time out - with water pics


good looking boat.

Send me your email at dwclow at gmail dot com, and Ill send you pics of my pulley system...  CH17..



RE: First time out - with water pics

G,Day Larry,

The grin says it all, lifes better with a boat enjoy your summer. What next ? Im building a Pax 20  and have already be told that it's not! coming in the house during the build.



RE: First time out - with water pics


Next???  I'd love to do a stripper, or even a hybrid (like a Shearwater for my wife).  But she swears she'll kill me if I wrap that much time up in another boat project (at least anytime soon!).  Maybe in a year or so... gotta get her on the water so she'll enjoy it enough to want one of her own.

Good luck with the Pax 20..., I'm going down (say 14 feet) vice up (beyond 17) in my next build.  Simply too long to deal with in my garage.


RE: First time out - with water pics

Looks great Larry, I know how you feel.


RE: First time out - with water pics

Larry----thanks for sharing your event with us in pictures--nice. If I recall you have some back issues of your own--how did you feel after you hour long boating experience ?----We will be waiting for you to forward us more pictures when you do the victory roll in your yak-----CZ

RE: First time out - with water pics


Back was fine, using a Creature Comfort seat.  My butt and toes went numb, but after adjusting my foot pegs they were better.  My back issues resulted from oseteoporosis (a side affect from Graves disease), during which I fractured numerous vertibre.  Those have healed and didn't give me any worries.  After an hour of paddling I was tired and had difficulties with my balance, and the stress of my first paddle caused a large knot between my shoulders, but otherwise - all went very well!

Not sure I'm ready for any victory rolls yet, would like to take the class for that....

Thanks for the compliments; I'm very happy with it,


RE: First time out - with water pics

Very nice photos Larry.  Hopefully, you will get the seating arrangement worked out to relieve the stress on your back.  I know where you are coming from brother.  That is the main reason I wanted a rowing boat with a sliding seat.  That is the main reason I'm building a Mill Creek.  I will be adding the rowing unit before next spring...maybe sooner.  I hope that I can build up the ol' core.

RE: First time out - with water pics


 Once again, beautiful boat!  Are you paddling by mainly moving your arms or rotating your torso?  If you're mainly using arms, then you'll be more likely to develop the back/shoulder pain you mention.  


RE: First time out - with water pics

Jeff, I may have improved the seating arrangement just by adjusting my foot pegs; put my legs in a much more relaxed position.  I might add a thin "donut" of mini-cell to try and compensate for the "num butt," but don't want to put myself too high in the boat (center of gravity issues, eh!?!?).

Chris, thanks, appreciate the compliment.  Interesting question - I've watched a number of videos on basic kayaking and I tried to make an effort to use the torso instead of just pulling the paddle through the water.  That helped with my balance, too.  I now believe much of the tension between my shoulders was exactly that... tension.  I was so nervous about going over I had to consciously remind myself to lighten my paddle grip and just relax, enjoy the ride.

I think what I need most is time on the water, to build confidence and perfect those little nuances regarding balance, paddling, and posture.  The great thing is that the time spent achieving these things will be very, very fun!

Thanks again,


RE: First time out - with water pics

Have you put in thigh/knee braces yet?  My first time on the water with this boat, I kind of wedged my knees against the deck.  After I installed the knee braces, I was much more comfortable with leaning and using my thighs and hips to keep the boat upright.  When you do make them, make sure you have a nice thick lip toward the opening of the cockpit to grab with the inner part of your knee.  I'll be making my hip braces this week, then my fitting out will be done (I also carved a custom seat-- much better fitting then anything I could have bought, and trust me, I tried a ton of them!).  I can attach a pic if that helps with the description.  


Good luck,


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