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Night Heron S&G hull modification
I am curious. I am considering building a S&G Night Heron. What purpose does the upswept tail serve? What would be the ramifcations of lowering this "sweep" by 1". What about the front?
Look at this kayak:
See the more gentle sweep of the bow and stern?
I know the sherwater is more like this, but they don't come in 18'. Just random thoughts. I know less than nothing about kayak design.
5 replies:
RE: Night Heron S&G hull modification
No expert on kayak design either, but I'd think the upswept stern would give the kayak better ability to handle following seas (ie: being overtaken by large boat wakes or surf landings). Reverse for the upswept bow.
RE: Night Heron S&G hull modification
I think you have hit the nail on the head Ludwig. The night heron has a relatively low volume stern.
RE: Night Heron S&G hull modification
That makes sense. I guess all designs are compromises in one way or another. Take the sherwater... It has a much less upswept bow and stern. That is what is so facianating about sea kayaks. They are such a blend of form and function.
RE: Night Heron S&G hull modification
» Submitted by NCKen - Tue, 9/27/11 » 9:30 AM
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