Sticky roller frames

I bought a bunch of roller frames that I have been using to spread epoxy. They seem to get gummed up after one use and don't roll freely after that. Is there a way I can unstick them? 


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RE: Sticky roller frames

I usually let the epoxy cure on the roller then cut it off the frame with a razor knife.  Usually enough cured epoxy comes off with the old roller that it will function again.

RE: Sticky roller frames

I agree with Bruce. White vinegar is cheap and effective. I buy it by the gallon. -Wes

RE: Sticky roller frames

Will it disolve hardened epoxy? Then what? Rinse it with water and let dry?

Thanks Guys!

RE: Sticky roller frames


No. It only dissolves uncured or partially cured epoxy (stll sticky, not just tacky). It poisons the cross-linking reaction. Once the reaction is done, it's too late for the vinegar.

I haven't seen the problem you mention. My big nuisance is forgetting to take the roller off the frame and having it harden in place. Maybe I don't use as much epoxy as you do?

Anyway, you'd need to use the vinegar before the epoxy cured. Then you'd have to remove all traces of the vinegar so your next coat won't be poisoned.


PS - the fully-hardened roller makes a great sanding tool for interior fillets. Just wrap the sandpaper around it and run it back & forth over the fillet.


RE: Sticky roller frames

"PS - the fully-hardened roller makes a great sanding tool for interior fillets. Just wrap the sandpaper around it and run it back & forth over the fillet."

Really? You must either do very fat fillets, Laszlo, or use extremely skinny rollers!

RE: Sticky roller frames


It actually depends more on the angle between the panels. The place where they worked best for me was on a brand-x sailing dinghy where the side panels met the bottom on the inside.


RE: Sticky roller frames

Laszlo! Wow!

Will you be transporting the Emperor to the Death Star in that?

I can hear the music now...

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