new SUP builder....Tampa area

Novice builder is about to order the KAHOLO 12.6 Kit.  Any builders in the Hudson, FL area (about 40 North of Tampa)?.

I'm guessing build time to be somewhere in the 60 hr I close?  Planning to stain the deck a light walnut color...any ideas.




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RE: new SUP builder....Tampa area

Conner, you can search for folks in your area pretty easily. At login, or after login by clicking on your name to get to your account management page, click on "Search the Builders Club." Pick your boat and scroll down to enter your ZIP code. That's all there is to it. There should be a few folks you can reach out to. Good luck, and have fun! -- Nancy

RE: new SUP builder....Tampa area

I'm building a Kaholo 14 (not in your area though) and it's been much faster and easier than my kayak builds.  How long it takes depends on how much customization you do - but 60 hours should be plenty. 

Search on staining stitch and glue kayaks if you want tips on staining the deck.  Make sure you stain it before you do any fiberglass/epoxy steps (even glassing the underside of the deck) because the epoxy will seep through the puzzle joints and then the stain will be uneven.  The trick to staining is to find a compatible stain that the epoxy will adhere to (water based stain or aniline dye is best but do a search for specific brands that will work and do a test patch to make sure) and to be aware that if you do any sanding after you stain it is likely you will sand off the stained wood.  Staining should actually work well on the Kaholo deck because all of the sanding is along the edges so there won't be sanded areas along the seams like on a kayak deck. 

It's a great project - have fun!

RE: new SUP builder....Tampa area

Hey. I am in palm harbor, not too far south from you. I am finishing up a 14 foot Kaholo with a cedar strip deck. I am not a good reference for number of hours as I have a two year old and have to divert my attention often.  Also I am building from plans and not a kit so I have a few more hours in. I didn't consider stain since I am doing a strip deck.  Feel to contact me if you have questions or want to see what I have done so far.  Good luck!  I'm sure you will enjoy it!


RE: new SUP builder....Tampa area

Chad how can I contact you I would like to talk and if you have time look at your build


[email protected]

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