Skerry/trailer insurance

Can someone suggest an insurance company which will insure my trailer/boat  ? My own auto insurance does provide liablity insurance on the trailer . The boat however, is a different matter. I would like full replacement coverage for both boat and trailer in the event  of a road accident. Several companies contacted informed me that they do not insure kit boats....This should be easy but has not been.......thanks in advance......Tomc

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RE: Skerry/trailer insurance

   This can be a complicated issue, and there are some good threads in this forum worth reading...try typing "insurance" in the builders forum search box and you should get 4 different threads.

Let us know if that info does not address your needs.

RE: Skerry/trailer insurance

I have a homemade runabout I built in 2010 insured with Hagerty, the collector car/boat insurance co.  All I had to do was tell them the designer/model.  They asked what value I wanted to put on it, agreed to it and gave me a reasonable quote which covers the boat/trailer/vintage motor.  They simply asked for a picture along with my payment.  Thats it.



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