Suggestions For An Extension For The Tiller Extension


For my NE Dory, I made this "prototype" extention for the tiller extension from a piece of 1 x 1 tied to the stock tiller extension, using the hole in the end of the tiller extension and lashings.   Didnt need it when I sailed alone and sat on thwart 3 but when my Wife went out with me, she sat on the stern seat, and I sat on the middle thwart, with one leg on each side of the daggerboard trunk.  I had one reef in the sail, and raised it a bit so I could see under the boom, and in the stronger winds we had it worked great.  Without the extension on the extension, I would have had to reach way back for the tiller extension.

Anyone have suggestions on all this?  Looking for ideas for 2-person sailing.





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