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Does anyone row on occasion from the middle seat up against the centerboard trunk? Does it dig in your back?
Is it bizarre to think about putting a two piece joint on the trunk below the level of the seat so that when the sailing gear is left at home the middle seat is more useful?
11 replies:
RE: NE dory mod
Rowed for a bit at a demo and wondered about that too. If you row sitting on a cushion would you need risers for the oarlocks? Anyway, I did enjoy the refreshing spritz coming from the dagger board trunk but would rather have it around my face, not down my butt.
RE: NE dory mod
I'm going back and forth on a Dory build or Skerry that I intend to row and skull a lot. How much higher is the dagger board trunk than the top of center thwart on the Dory?
RE: NE dory mod
JP - Without actually measuring I think 9" or so. Which corresponds with the distance from my chair to the spot that gets sore on my back. If I remember correctly from clamping it down during install top of the trunk is 1 or 2" lower than the gunnels. If no one responds with actual measurements I'll post them this weekend. I had the same indecision, let me know if you're interested in why the Dory came out on top for me.
RE: NE dory mod
I eventually understood it is just easier to attach a second seat the required height above the stock seat as mentioned in the replies.
RE: NE dory mod
How about building a broader back rest with padding with something on the back to slip over the back part of the dagger trunk, maybe a pin sliding down into the trunk. Would not move anything but spread out the pressure.
RE: NE dory mod
After a three mile row on Tomales Bay last night to take in the bioluminescence, my back is bruised from contact with the centerboard trunk. Is there any new feedback on ideas to make rowing more comfortable? Previous outings have included sailing so there wasn't as much rowing but that's not always possible.
RE: NE dory mod
I know this thread is fairly old, but nevertheless has anyone solved the problem of how to row from the middle seat without beating your back up? Seems to me this is a problem that needs a solution.
RE: NE dory mod
Here is a solution made by a NE Dory owner in Port Townsend that is an avid rower. The board just slips in and lits out
RE: NE dory mod
The most important thing you can do to improve comfort when rowing from the central thwart is to remove the thwart just astern so that you can stretch your legs. Leg room between those two thwarts is about 4" less than in the other rowing positions (which is probably the reason why the thwart is designed to be removable). I'm 6' 3" so this is especially important for me, but I suspect it is a factor for most men.
In addition, I sit on an ordinary boat cushion, which raises me up 3 - 3 1/2" and makes contact with the daggerboard trunk less likely and less annoying.
I guess I'd prefer to have an extra 4" of room between those bulkheads and not have to remove the thwart. But it's such a small point in such a terrific boat that I can't complain.
RE: NE dory mod
» Submitted by Silver Salt - Mon, 2/23/15 » 10:06 PM
Quite often and it s#<%$.
Partially solved it with a sculpted buttocks pad. Patterned on a sliding rowing seat sized to fit the thwart. Holds my tukhus in place so I don’t jam against the trunk. Addition of a thin - 1/4-3/8”? minicell pad on the trunk itself helped even more.
Don’t think cutting down the trunk could be very practical. It’s splashy enough at full height. A short section would really need to be water tight. Getting the add on structure stiff enough to withstand daggerboard pressures would be problematic too. So yeah, bizarre, but if you can do it be sure to post pics!
Feel you on the pain in the back though.