Small Craft Festival Canceled

This just in from the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum:

SEPTEMBER 30, 2015, 3:00 PM UPDATE: In consideration of developing weather conditions and for the safety of our festival participants and guests, the decision has been made to cancel this weekend’s Mid-Atlantic Small Craft Festival and Maritime Model Expo.

Always one of our favorite shows;  we've been attending since the early 1990's. Sorry that the weather has conspired against us. We'll send a dispatch to everyone who RSVP'd for the Small Craft Festival this weekend;  please spread the word amongst the Small Boaterati in your circles.

CLC's showroom will be open Saturday 9-1 unless conditions are truly terrible.  We'll send a dispatch to everyone who RSVP'd for the Small Craft Festival this weekend.  See you at the US Sailboat Show in Annapolis next weekend!

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