Epoxy metering pump ?

In the CLC workshop, there is an epoxy metering pump.  One pull of the handle and you get the correct ratio of resin and hardener.  

Where can I get a pump like that ?


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RE: Epoxy metering pump ?

Hey loube,

CLC uses MAS epoxy for many good reasons.  CLC offers MAS pumps here:


RE: Epoxy metering pump ?


Thanks CaptainSkully, but that is what I have now.

I am looking for a high quality pump for the serious builder.  Like the one CLC has in their workshop.


RE: Epoxy metering pump ?


I asked Mr. Google for "epoxy metering pump" and found this:

for sale at Jamestown Distributors for a bit over $400. There's also a $70.00 rebuild kit, so it must eventually need rebuilding.

You going into the boatbuilding business?

Good luck,



RE: Epoxy metering pump ?

Just to clarify, this is a West pump for 5:1 ratios, not suitable for MAS or System 3. However, it's an example of what's out there, where to look and the price range.



RE: Epoxy metering pump ?

OK, so it's become a quest. The 5:1 pump is 306-25, the 3:1 pump is 306-23 (see the clue in the model numbers?). West says either can be converted to the other ratio.



RE: Epoxy metering pump ?

   Thanks Laszlo.

No I am not going into the boat building business. LOL

I am just not happy with the standard pumps that come with the epoxy kits. I always run out of hardner way before I do resin. They burp air and give you short shots, and they take a long time to pump out a large batch.

As soon as I finish one kayak I start another, so I can forsee myself using a lot of epoxy over the next 20 or 30 years.

I just found this one at Aircraft Spruce.  It has an adjustable ratio.  http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/cmpages/epoxypump.php?clickkey=9858

Lou Farhood


RE: Epoxy metering pump ?

Lou, it sounds like you're an advanced user.  I misunderstood your original question since so many people post even searching.  As such, my answer below is for beginners who are finding using the less expensive pumps challenging.  Laszlo handles most of the advanced questions around here... ;)

I'm not saying the crazy straw method is perfect, but I've tried a few tricks to reduce the number of ruined batches.  If for some reason, I don't think the batch has the right mix, I don't put it on the boat.  I'd rather waste a batch than biff the boat.  I had an elderly customer who mixed hardener to hardener and applied it to several entire sheets of plywood.  Ugh...

1.  Straws must go all the way to the bottom of the particular jug you're using.  The system is a little confusing at first, but eventually makes sense.  Just make sure you're keeping resin vs. hardener straight.  The lid sizes often don't allow you to install them incorrectly.

2..The first couple of squirts from new pumps into a paper cup get tossed until you get a full draw.  This is only a tablespoon or two wasted.

3.  Once a pump is primed, keep that pump going.  Move it from same sized jug of same stuff throughout the project.

4.  If you even think you're going to suck air as you get toward the bottom of a jug, don't keep pumping.  Start a new jug to make this batch by moving the pump over, then when there's room in the new jug, pour whatever was left in the used jug into the new jug.

5.  If you ever think you might not have the right mix, err on the side of a bit more hardener.

6.  Mix until you're tired of mixing, then mix some more.  Sticklers will pour hardener and resin into once cup, mix, then transfer that into a new cup and mix some more.  I've never bothered with going that far on my own projects, but we did when I worked for a special effects company.

7.  Use plastic cups.  After you've mixed your batch and used it, put the plastic stir stick back into the cup.  Tomorrow, you can pop the cured epoxy out of the cup like a popsicle and you've got a clean, new cup.  You can also pop the stirrer out the same way.

8.  Have a dedicated epoxy station that's setup easy cleanup the inevitable mess.

9.  Let nothing distract you while you're counting pumps!  Nothing worse than going, "Was that two or three pumps?".  Whenever possible, always mix up same sized batches and get used to where they land on the sides of the measuring cups.  That way, if you do get distracted, you know that three pumps of resin and three of hardener land 2" from the top of an 8oz cup.

10.  I always use Slow hardener.  You can always accelerate Slow with a heat source, but you can't slow down Fast unless it's cold outside.  The processes of building a boat are tricky enough without putting every step on a time crunch.  There are plenty of other parts/processes to epoxy while you're waiting for epoxy to cure slowly, especially if you're building a sailing version.

My $0.02 and I'm always willing to make change...


RE: Epoxy metering pump ?

   Thanks Chris,

I have never had a problem with the Mas epoxy. It is very forgiving of mistakes when mixing. But every time I run out of hardener, there is still 15 to 20% of the resin left over. I need to know that my ratio is correct every time.

With the high cost of epoxy, I hate to waste a single drop. And with my limited amount of building time each week, I do not like to waste time. Pumping out large batches at room temp seems to take for ever.


RE: Epoxy metering pump ?

   I gave up using metering pumps for epoxy.  I have switched to using a grams scale to measure epoxy..   The specific gravity of the catalyst and epoxy are so close to being equal the measure ratios of weight are nearly equal to measuring ratios of volume.  Gram / ounce scale are cheap.  

If you do use a scale slide it into a clear zip lock bag so that you do now bugger it up will spilled or dripped epoxy.

RE: Epoxy metering pump ?

   Thanks Charlie,

Great idea !!!  I think that I might try that before spending a boat full of money on a metering pump. Thanks again.


RE: Epoxy metering pump ?

Ah, the old pump vs weigh discussion. This was recently beaten to death, with some excellent insights by nemochad about the correct weight ratios. Try searching for recent posts by him.

Have fun all,


RE: Epoxy metering pump ?

And if you decide to go with the fancy metering pump here's a bit cheaper version that does 2:1 ratios!


George K

RE: Epoxy metering pump ?

   Thanks George. Great information !!!

RE: Epoxy metering pump ?

I used the nurse/wife method and all the batches came out  the same. Nurses seem to like accuracy and sameness.    

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