Rubstrip Kit vs glass tape

Watching friends and family landing and transporting my one year old Chesapeake 17 lt on a gravel/rocky beach despite my best instructions makes me wish I had a little more glass reinforcement on the bow and stern keel line.

As I build #2 (Ches 16), I am looking for opinions on the best way to do this.  I have seen suggestions of adding an additional piece of fiberglass tape prior to glassing the hull, and/or adding the rubstrip kit after the boat is completed.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance,


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RE: Rubstrip Kit vs glass tape

I have had good luck with the dynel rub strip kit.  I used it on the first 5 boats and it has held up well.  When it gets a little worn, I build it back up with more epoxy/graphite mixture.  The negatives are that it adds weight and takes a bit of time/careful masking to make it look nice. 

On my latest build, I decided to try a different product, called KeelEazy.  It is a thick plastic backed with adhesive that you apply with a heat gun.  This product has worked very well on protecting the shear of my racing boat from paddle strikes.  My success on the keel of the Frej has been mixed.  It adheres well where the keel is mostly flat but not where the bow/stern have sharp bends.  If you look closely at the bottom pict, you will see that the rub strip stops where the bow curves more sharply upward.  I could not get it to lay flat and stick farther up the curve.  Overall, I still beleive that the dynel is the best approach, but is areas without sharp curves, KeelEazy may be a quick and easy alternative.

RE: Rubstrip Kit vs glass tape

Thanks for sharing your experience, 


Nice Boats!

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