Adapting the Northeaster Dory for Inland Lake Cruising (or Coastal Cruising)

October and November are great camping months in the Ozarks and I am finally closing in on a setup that I think will work well for cruise/camping in my Northeaster Dory. There was a great thread on the possibility of building a decked NE Dory (, but I'd like to keep my boat close to the original design. I thought I’d share some pictures of my prototype for a camping cot in the confidence that some of you might be able to suggest improvements or use these ideas in your own camping adventures on the water.

My intention in the future is to explore the huge Corps of Engineers reservoirs along the White River in the Ozarks -- hundreds of miles of pristine shoreline. In my first lake cruise last spring I camped ashore, but I’ve subsequently decided that it will be easier and more pleasant to anchor the boat and sleep aboard. To do so, I have made a sturdy cot frame out of one-inch pvc pipe. After anchoring, I can assemble the frame and cover it with a layer of one-inch pink foam insulation to carry and distribute my weight. By adding a self-inflating air mattress, a compressible foam pillow, and a sleeping bag, I should be able to sleep in complete comfort. I don’t plan to camp when the weather calls for rain or storms, but I will pack along a tarp that I can string over a line running from the mast to the rudder (just in case).

Here are some pictures of the prototype:

Gear in the boat --

Cot pieces --

Cot assembled --

Accordion-fold foam mattress base --

I can supply more information if anyone wants it . . . and I'd welcome any tips or advice before I set off on my next extended cruise.


16 replies:

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RE: Adapting the Northeaster Dory for Inland Lake Cruising (or Coastal Cruising)

   Excellent thread, I'm planning the same sleep aboard concept.I was considering either some planks laced together to fold out or a cot laid over the seats (have to see how that fits when done) now I have a third suggestion for you are to lash that in place when in use,use a floorless tent instead of a tarp( you can close it up for privacy and foul weather)  and have a bivuac  handy in case of bugs or bad weather.please post how that works out for you along with anything else you find usefull about sleeping aboard the dory

RE: Adapting the Northeaster Dory for Inland Lake Cruising (or Coastal Cruising)

   With a bivy sack this would work in Everglades National Park or Florida Bay.  I hope you'll report on how the pink insulation foam works out.  I'm thinking 6mm ply planks with a Timberline self-inflating pad on top might be an alternative.

RE: Adapting the Northeaster Dory for Inland Lake Cruising (or Coastal Cruising)

Yes. I'm concerned about the pink foam, too. So far, I have only assembled the frame on the garage floor. If I ease myself onto the cot, the pink foam supports my weight, and does so easily once I am fully extended. But I worry about denting or cracking the foam as I first settle down. 

The reason I chose to try the foam is that I had to remove the flotation under the removable thwart in order to have a good place to secure the frame and to give my 6' 2" inch frame enough leg room for rowing. If my system works, I can secure the foam with straps to the dagger-board well and once again have sufficient flotation. I will probably also fill the pieces of PVC pipe with fill-foam to add even more flotation.

I'm going camping tomorrow so I should have something to report by the end of the week.

RE: Adapting the Northeaster Dory for Inland Lake Cruising (or Coastal Cruising)

   I was thinking maybe some closed cell foam. Aside from the benefts of being able to sleep at anchor even when ashore sleeping in the boat would be an improvement over a tent on the ground,just stuff a couple of dock bumpers under the sides to keep it level. I eventualy want to do the everglades challenge and a good sleeping system would really help


RE: Adapting the Northeaster Dory for Inland Lake Cruising (or Coastal Cruising)

   I'm just back from my 3-day dory cruise on Norfork. I'm happy to report that the collapsible cot with pink foam pad worked perfectly. Sleeping aboard was delightful--especially when the coyotes starred yipping and howling on shore! I'll probably add a bit of extra support (maybe a  but off 6 mil plywood) under the area where I first sit down, but even without that support the foam was undamaged.

RE: Adapting the Northeaster Dory for Inland Lake Cruising (or Coastal Cruising)

Just started building the NE Dory, we've got a place on Tracy Ferry rd. Maybe I'll see you over at hand cove this summer   

RE: Adapting the Northeaster Dory for Inland Lake Cruising (or Coastal Cruising)

   Great to hear that there will soon be another dory on the lake. Enjoy building your boat and let me know if I can help in any way. Jeff

RE: Adapting the Northeaster Dory for Inland Lake Cruising (or Coastal Cruising)

   Is there an update to the broken links for the missing pics on the inital post? 

RE: Adapting the Northeaster Dory for Inland Lake Cruising (or Coastal Cruising)

See if this link works for access to the photos.   

RE: Adapting the Northeaster Dory for Inland Lake Cruising (or Coastal Cruising)

Works great for me. I'm glad you posred the new link, I'd forgotten the fun stuff you do.


RE: Adapting the Northeaster Dory for Inland Lake Cruising (or Coastal Cruising)

   Birch2, Thanks for that link to the pics.  This could possibly be a whole new way to set up a similar arrangement in my Skerry.  Sleeping on land has its plusses, but there's definitely something to be said for, when after a long day of rowing and sailing, all you've got to do to set up the camping area is toss out an anchor.

RE: Adapting the Northeaster Dory for Inland Lake Cruising (or Coastal Cruising)

Is there a technical or product name for the pink foldable foam board?  It looks to be some kind of building insulation material.  Thanks   

RE: Adapting the Northeaster Dory for Inland Lake Cruising (or Coastal Cruising)



FOAMULAR 1/2 in. x 4 ft. x 8 ft. R-3 Square Edge Rigid Foam Board Insulation Sheathing. Comes in a variety of thicknesses. 



RE: Adapting the Northeaster Dory for Inland Lake Cruising (or Coastal Cruising)

Cody, Thanks much

RE: Adapting the Northeaster Dory for Inland Lake Cruising (or Coastal Cruising)

Curious,  Has anyone made a tent for the NED?  I was planning on trying to put one together this winter, but it would be great to learn from those who have already done so.  I have seen many on the internet, but none for the NED.    Thanks!   

RE: Adapting the Northeaster Dory for Inland Lake Cruising (or Coastal Cruising)

Silver Salt has done a beautiful job of making a tent for the dory.

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