How to remove blobs of epoxy?

Noob here. Gluing on the doublers on my second bulkhead I guess I got distracted and didn't scrape of the outflow after clamping. This is on the bottoms of the bulkheads (NE Dory) so maybe it won't be visible? I do care about weight though. Please see the picture. It's a like a 3mm bead of rockhard goop. I'd like advice on the best way to get this stuff off without damaging the plywood.

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RE: How to remove blobs of epoxy?

The internets says acetone, methylene chloride, heat gun, sharp scraper, angle grinder. I do own a Bosch "Dremel". No angle grinder though. Also, I'm posting pics of my build at an album in imgur:

RE: How to remove blobs of epoxy?

   I have found for me a heat  gun and sharp furniture scraper works very well. 

RE: How to remove blobs of epoxy?

Don't forget the old fashioned razor knife, if it is still green. Best to wipe up quickly, but if it is a few hours old, will still take a nail print, any sharp instrament will work. Good luck. JRC.   

RE: How to remove blobs of epoxy?

   Definitely heat gun and a scraper to remove unwanted epoxy.  The heat gun is also useful for pulling out wires.  A little heat will soften the epoxy and allow the wire to be extracted with a needle nose or pliers. 

RE: How to remove blobs of epoxy?

   I nice hack I learned on this forum is to use an ordinary hair drier instead of a heat gun.

RE: How to remove blobs of epoxy?

   Try a StewMac  Ultimate Scaper

It is easy to maintain the edge, and when done, this thing makes a great "epoxy erasure" for drips, runs, blobs, etc  Also great for smoothing the inevitable orange peel that epoxy forms


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