New corporate color?

Three new boats in the shop, Northeaster, Tenderly and Peelerett(?), all Brightsides dark blue. My Peeler will fit right in.

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RE: New corporate color?

Yeah, I'd done four boats in a row in black and white. Time for something different!

That's Tenderly hull #2, #1 being the prototype, this being the finalized production version (out May 2017-ish).

Tenderly Dinghy

The Northeaster Dory was built by the mayor of Annapolis, and has been donated to the city for various maritime exhibitions and causes.

The skiff is a prototype for a new kit, details to come and release date unknown.


RE: New corporate color?

Tenderly at Okoumefest?


RE: New corporate color?

>>>Tenderly at Okoumefest?


Two of them, in fact!

RE: New corporate color?

   Noticed the work in progress on the shop cam. Figured you got a special on blue. Good looking color. 

RE: New corporate color?

   I have used Interlux Brightside in several colours for years as a topside and deck paint, and understand it is intended for this use.  How well does it stand up for the underwater areas of a dinghy (trailered - not left in the water when not in use)? 

RE: New corporate color?

>>>I have used Interlux Brightside in several colours for years as a topside and deck paint, and understand it is intended for this use.  How well does it stand up for the underwater areas of a dinghy (trailered - not left in the water when not in use)? 


We use it on every single one of our demo boats "below the waterline." No issues unless the boat stays in the water for more than a week.

For longer stays, you need to switch either to a two-part polyurethane like Interlux Perfection, or even to the herbicidal bottom paints.

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