Mill Creek 16.5 Kit Build Time

Can anyone tell me the approximate real build time for a stock MC 16.5 kit?  I did a forum search and while it has been eluded to in months, I'd like an hourly approximation.  There isn't even one published on the MC 16.5 page for me to work with.


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RE: Mill Creek 16.5 Kit Build Time

Seriously folks, I need some help here.  Thanks...

RE: Mill Creek 16.5 Kit Build Time

We're not ignoring you, we just don't know. Since you're wanting the real build time, you're waiting for an MC16.5 builder who recorded their hours to wander by and read your post. I guess that alignment hasn't happened yet.



RE: Mill Creek 16.5 Kit Build Time

I'll give you a guess, but it is just that.  It took me just over 100 manhours to build each of my two Chesapeakes.  It took 150 MH for the Shearwater Double.  I would guess the MC 16.5 somewhere between the two.  One variable is those wooden seats.  They could be a real time sink if you are committed to make them really pretty.

RE: Mill Creek 16.5 Kit Build Time

That's a nice collection of kayaks Mark.

I'm building a Shearwater Sport from plans. I've been keeping a log of my time, but it's an approximation. I don't pay close enough attention to the clock, and often the time gets broken up with other non boat activities so I just log an estimate on how much time I put in that day.

I'm just over 70 hours, with one more round of epoxy and sanding. The last construction piece is to build the cockpit coming then it's on to finishing and outfitting.

RE: Mill Creek 16.5 Kit Build Time

   Hi, I have just finished my Mill Creek 13, launching on the next fine day. A guess would be 150 hours (covering a period of 3 months) with a few paint jobs that had to be redone & I didn't make the wooden seat. I varnished the deck Enjoy your build. Cheers, Chris   

RE: Mill Creek 16.5 Kit Build Time

Thanks for the info!  This is exactly what I needed to know, hence the "bump".

RE: Mill Creek 16.5 Kit Build Time

   Sorry re my guess at build hours I should have added I built from plans only. Cheers, Chris

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