skeg twist

I was sighting the keel of my skerry on the new trailer, adjusting the bunks, when I realized I was looking at a twist in the skeg. It's not much, just a little hook to starboard.  The ends are where they should be but I have a little bow, maybe a 1/2".  Thus is solved the mystery of why it turns to starboard under sail more readily than to port.  I'll live with it, but the lesson is to get that stuff lined up and straight to begin with.

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RE: skeg twist

Bummer...and, of course, now that you know about it, it is a constant irritant.  I feel your pain.  The little stern transom knee of our Passagemaker drifted ever-so-slightly off plumb without being noticed before the epoxy cured.  Then, of course, we noticed, and we continue to notice.  Keeps a would-be boatwright humble, it does.

Yes, you never get done checking that stuff is plumb, square, fair, and true.  Epoxy is mighty unforgiving that way.


RE: skeg twist

Au contraire, gents. I put it to you that epoxy/glass/wood construction is incredibly forgiving, exceeded only by metals where you can always weld on another lump and then grind it to shape.

Which is how this bow can be fixed, if you really care. Strip the inside of the bow to bare wood, bed in a piece of wood (and don't worry about accuracy of fit, it's better if there's lots of epoxy/woodflour mix there). Then use a sharp plane on the outside of the bow and a grinder on the built-up inside to make a perfect skeg. Cover it in paint, graphite/epoxy or whatever and it'll look as if you got it right the first time.

Have fun,


RE: skeg twist

  I've read this in other posts and can now confirm it first hand:  There comes a point where you just have to say "good enough" and go sailing.


RE: skeg twist

   Suggestion for a simple, winter-time fix of the bent Skerry keel.  Flip the hull and clean the finish off the concave side of the keel.  Obtain or build up from scraps (strength not required) a chunk of easily-worked lumber slightly larger than the keel.  Plane, grind, sand, elbow grease that hunk of wood to a shape that, when epoxied to the keel, mirrors the outward, 1/2" curve of your keel.  Glue on, fill, sand some more, epoxy seal, finish and you have a symmetrical, hydrodynamic shape.

RE: skeg twist

Oh, I was already going where Laszlo said, but it just isn't happening this summer.  Aside from wanting to use the thing, I've got too much else happening to fire up the boatshop quite yet.    

RE: skeg twist

   My apologies to both you and Sir Laszlo.  Reading Laszlo's response again I figure my brain initially disengaged at his first use of the word bow.  Then I opened mouth and stuffed keyboard in.

Fair winds ...

RE: skeg twist


English is a funny old language.  Bow or bow, the pointy end of a boat or a bent piece of wood.  I joke with my wife about all the different things that "really" means, especially in spoken English.  I think some filler, a shinto rasp and some sandpaper are in my future, but that's next off season.

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