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Advice Needed on Hull Glassing
First time builder here. I started my Skerry build a couple of weeks ago and i'm very pleased with how well the kit is going together. I am getting ready to glass the hull and have a question on how to treat the lap joint between the garbord and # 2 plank. The instructions are a little vague...." clean up the lap between #1 and #2 planks; glass goes right up to this edge." Do I glass up to the inside corner or glass the lap and trim to the outside edge? Seems like it would be hard to tuck the glass over the lap without air bubbles.
1 reply:
RE: Advice Needed on Hull Glassing
» Submitted by CaptainSkully - Sun, 8/19/18 » 10:40 PM
You're right that the glass doesn't adhere well to any kind of corner. The above is pic 32/61 from the Skerry Construction Gallery. The garboard/bottom joint has been hand planed to a smooth transition to facilitate glassing. The other "laps" get filled with epoxy putty and smoothed with denatured alcohol. This gives a smooth ramp right up to the corner of the strake, where you put your masking tape (right on the corner/edge) on the garboard/#2 joint. Then you wet out your glass over that gentle fillet, let it gel and cut it off with a sharp razor right on the corner/edge.
Does that help? It sounds like you have the right instict, so you should feel pretty safe to follow it.