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I'm currently building a Skerry, and I bought a Trailex trailer to transport it to water. I'm considering getting a crank to facilitate the job of getting the boat back on. I can't find any directions telling where the crank goes or how to mount it. Does anyone have any advice, or pictures of a crank on their trailer? Thanks!
9 replies:
Winch not used for pulling in 17" Dory ~150lbs
I do not use my winch for pulling in my 100lb Dory + sail + gear. The winch keeps it from sliding back on steep boat ramps and secures the bow when towing.
I easily pull it onto the trailer with one arm by grabbing the bresthook - triangular piece of wood top bow.
I have an old trailer that I invested in a $50 12" selfcentering roller that helps when pulling boat on trailer at an angle due to wind, current, tide.
I can not figure how to post a picture.
No idea how to edit my post either. My trailer is a regular boat trailer, so not comparable to your trailer. My winch is not used to pull my boat on trailer.
I pull the boat over halfway onto the trailer with the painter (bow rope). I have a bowline knot on painter 1" from bow. I clip the winch strap onto the bowline knot. Take up slack on winch strap. Pull on breathook until bumps into bow roller/bumper. Take up winch strap slack and lock winch for towing.
I have a 17 foot 100lb Northeaster Dory.
RE: Crank on Trailex trailer
I don’t use one for my Dory either. It’s just too light to need it. Just get a good pair of knee high rubber boots for when the water is cold. I normally step into the lake just a bit when launching and retrieving my Dory. I did it once in early spring with just sandals on, I nearly couldnt walk out of the water my feet were so cold!
RE: Crank on Trailex trailer
The Skerry specs page says it only weighs 95 pounds. Even with some gear in it, I can't see where you'd need a winch for retrieval. With that being said, it could be a nice anchor point for the bow for trailering. Usually, the winch is located on a mast that is a piece of tubular metal that is at an upward angle from the trailer tongue, thus being at or above the height of the bow eye on the boat.
Winches usually attach with large U-bolts around the tubular metal, so can be located anywhere. If located downward from the bow eye on the tongue, it may eliminate the need for any additional strapping toward the front of the boat.
RE: Crank on Trailex trailer
Here's my schooner (while it was under construction) on a Trailex SUT-200-S, the pre-cursor to the 220-S. Click on the picture to enlarge.
There were very clear instructions on how and where to install it. Basically, you want enough trailer under the boat to support it, but you also want to position the boat such that the tongue weight is correct. The winch support can be moved back & forth to get the best compromise postion, then tightened in place.
Good luck,
RE: Crank on Trailex trailer
I have a Trailex Trailer that I used for a Hobie Tandem Island that weighted about 200lbs. Instead of a normal winch I bought a "Sky Winch" and mounted it on the trailer. Search on Amazon. It uses 1/2 -3/4 inch rope that you wrap around and then start to winch. It pulls off easy when done. It worked great and I just used the rope that I had attached to the bow all the time to help pull it on the trailer.
RE: Crank on Trailex trailer
Sky Winch. Had never heard of it. The video is a riot!
Not sure if it's enough moxie for my 2900# Menger 19 catboat, but something like that might save me havin' to put on my waders everytime I haul her out. Of course, I haven't fallen in...yet.... <;-)
RE: Crank on Trailex trailer
Wow, thanks Sky Winch! Until I saw your video I didn't realize I've been doing it all wrong. Come Spring, I'm going to be sure to include at least one head-first dive in my launching procedure. I'll save the arse-first dive for the retrieval, it'll flow more naturally there.
Seriously, though, has anyone ever fallen in, or even seen anyone fall in, while launching and retrieving? The winch seems fine, but I'm not sure about their marketing department's idea that we're all Darwin Award contenders.
A more fact-based nit - winch type makes a lot less difference for wading than boat/trailer geometry and ramp angle. I always have to wade with the Faering Cruiser at my marina. But that's why it's called a water sport, right?
» Submitted by cmburch - Thu, 11/15/18 » 7:59 PM
Search "winch" on this clc site for pics.