Southwester Dory - When do you epoxy the entire inside of the hull?

I love this boat and bought the manual.  There are a couple of concerns that I have.  I have been reading the manual, and looking at the pictures to try to understand the build. 

On pages 81-83 you epoxy to the fiberglass and wait for it to cure.  These are the only pages that I have found that you put epoxy on the inside bottom.  Page 91 it  has you appling coats to the area that will be seal by the deck. 

On page 116 you are finishing the cockpit area, but there is no discussion of when this is epoxied.

I can not find when you are suppose to seal the cockpit area, additional coats on the floor, and the area above the deck with epoxy.  Was this to be done at part of the steps on page 91?

My last question.  How may hours does it take to install the Spacered Inwales?.

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RE: Southwester Dory - When do you epoxy the entire inside of the hull?

>>>>I can not find when you are suppose to seal the cockpit area, additional coats on the floor, and the area above the deck with epoxy.  Was this to be done at part of the steps on page 91>>>

Answer: As early as around Page 90, which covers coating the interior of the hull.

But it could be as late as Page 239, when you're advised that "...Before you tuck into the finish work, make absolutely sure that every wooden surface in the boat has at least two coats of epoxy and preferably three."

Between Page 90 and Page 239, you're installing a lot of additional joinery, and it might make sense to wait until everything is in place to seal the entire hull in its protective envelope of epoxy.

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