OK to NOT glass rudder blade?

I'm finishing my new kick up rudder for my NE Dory and have 4 coats (soon to be 5) of epoxy on the rudder blade, and I'm rethinking my decision to not apply glass to the rudder blade.  On my original rudder I did wrap the blade in glass cloth but I didnt on this one, per the CLC instructions.  By the way, I DID apply epoxy soaked rope to the leading edge and bottom of the rudder blade that will be faired in to shape so the leading edge will be able to take a hard rock hit with no damage.

Agree it's OK to NOT glass rudder blade?



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RE: OK to NOT glass rudder blade?

It's your boat, Curt, anything you want is OK :-)

Seriously though, none of my boats have a glassed rudder blade (including the ones that have rudders). In particular, the one with a kick-up rudder has had an unglassed blade for nearly 10 years now.

Have fun,



RE: OK to NOT glass rudder blade?

   Hi Laszlo!  Thanks much, that's good news!


RE: OK to NOT glass rudder blade?

I've only recently started epoxy coating my rudder blades on sail boats.  Many have had only varnish or paint and done well for years.    

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