When to stain?

Hi, I am about to start building a Skerry, my first build. My preference  is a "bright" finish. I've been studying the manual, and the online videos and guides, and I'm finding contradictory information about when to apply the stain. On one hand, it says to stain first (https://www.clcboats.com/shoptips/finishing-tips/staining-your-kayak.html). But a video (on the same page) shows a kayak being stained after assembly.

Can someone please clear this up?


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RE: When to stain?

stains need to be applied prior to the underlying wood being glassed or otherwise covered with epoxy.

depending on the type of boat you are building, stains can be applied to pieces prior to assembly....or after....as long as the stain is going on bare wood you are fine.

if you look at the page carefully, they talk about staining stitch and glue boats and strip built boats.

for stitch and glues boats, you typically stain the parts before assembly.  a skerry is a stitch and glue.

for strip built boats (which is the one in the video) are typically stained after they are assembled.   

i hope that helps



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