Self Rescuing a Passagemaker

As I sit here and contemplate successively more intrepid voyages in my PM, I think about the ability to self rescue in case of capsize.  In my old Laser sailing days, we'd just pop the mainsheet, hop onto the daggerboard and ride her back up.  Somehow, I doubt it'll be that "easy" with my PM.  In fact, I was wondering if the daggerboard, built as just two laminated pieces of ply to the specs in the manual, would even be able to handle my 200 pounds.  Possibly being guilty of at least a little foresight, my daggerboard case is just a bit wider than necessary for my current daggerboard.  Would it be worth considering wrapping my daggerboard with some glass in case I have to use it as an impromptu swim ladder?

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RE: Self Rescuing a Passagemaker

My one experience with a PMD capsize suggests that it isn't even necessary to "climb up" on the daggerboard.  I was sailing with the shallow water "shorty" board in when it happened, she floated very high on her side, and all I had to do to get her up was to reach up and bear down on the board a bit with my elbow.  I don't recall that it took much effort, which surprised me some--pleasantly.  Healthy rocker and lots of floatation high in the ends, I guess.  Getting her back up was the easy part.  Rounding up all the loose gear (lesson learned) and getting myself back aboard (turned out the best thing to do was "swim" in over the side) was a bit more work.


RE: Self Rescuing a Passagemaker

Thanks, Michael!  That's kinda what I was hoping.  However, here in the PNW, we really don't have much water warm enough for righting practice.

RE: Self Rescuing a Passagemaker

consider  putting  foldable cedar   foot  rests  on  each  side   of the  rudder  above  waterline,  and  have  a  haulaboard  line  on the  back  stern  you  can  reach  from the  water, and a  manual  bildge  pump  for  pumping  h  2  0  out  once  it's  righted.  


to  right    our   big  sail boat's boat  hard  dinghy,  we'd  get  it  right  side  up with  us in the  h  2 0.   we  carried a  rope  'ladder' made  of  wood  slats that hung  below   water  line and  attached  to the  stern  transom. deploy the  rope  ladder, get  as  high  up  as  you  can  climb  while  holding  onto the  transom,  launch  yourself  into the  dinghy,  pump  h  2  0  out. 

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