Leaped lug on Northeaster Dory?

I see that the Peapod comes with a 73 sq ft lug. How would that work on the Northeaster Dory instead of the 62 sq ft sail? Might be a nice sail to have on hand for light-wind days. I assume I'd need new spars, but what about the mast? Would it need to be taller?

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RE: Leaped lug on Northeaster Dory?

Several years ago when I was trying to decide which sailboat to build, I was considering puttint the 79 sq ft main from the Southwester Dory on a NED.  I discussed this with John Harris and he was quite like warm on the idea.  On the other had, here is the account of a gent who put an 89 sq ft Oz Goose sail on his NED.  (https://reallysimplesails.com/a-bigger-inexpensive-sail-for-john-lizardis-clc-northeaster-dory/).   

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