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CLC WILL BE CLOSED, Thursday, July 30th.
A few hours ago we learned that a colleague had tested positive for COVID-19.
We will be answering email, and online orders will be processed as usual. WE WILL RESUME OPERATIONS, INCLUDING PHONE CALLS, on Friday, July 31st.
Thank you for your patience!
Here's everything I know:
On July 29, 2020, a colleague in our Annapolis facility received a positive result for COVID, following a test taken on Monday, July 27th. The individual works in the factory area, and has had no interaction with customers. (CLC's showroom has been closed since March, so we've had the absolute minimum of in-person interaction with customers, in any case.)
Our colleague is asymptomatic and feels fine, but is now quarantined. Everyone on staff with even passing contact with the individual has been tested for COVID since Monday the 27th, and thus far all results are negative.
We take the safety of our staff, their families, and our customers EXTREMELY SERIOUSLY. We will do whatever is necessary to keep everybody safe!
6 replies:
RE: CLC WILL BE CLOSED, Thursday, July 30th.
Thankfully all of that sanding has made us boatbuilders a very patient crew. We can wait as long as this takes. Stay safe.
RE: CLC WILL BE CLOSED, Thursday, July 30th.
John, you and your crew have our support. Take care of them whatever it takes.
CLC is a family that's bigger than the shop. Big hugs to all. We're here for you until this blows over.
Especial hug and concern for your staffer who got the bug. Praying for his or her sake it stays asymptomatic. If it doesn't ... let us know if there is anything we can do.
RE: CLC WILL BE CLOSED, Thursday, July 30th.
Everything becomes more real when it hits close to home. Here's hoping your colleague is out of the woods in a couple of weeks. To everyone else, stay well and continue to test negative!
As an aside, the wife of a colleague of mine was with a group who have tested positive and now she shows symptoms. So, all of us who have contact with this colleague may be in the same boat (no pun intended) as you, if her result comes back positive as well.
RE: CLC plans + pdf
Dear John,
On Oct 12, 2020, I bought (# 177593 ) a Chesapeake Double
Plans & Manual Only - Emailed PDF. I wrote you an email twice but in vain. My questions are: how many layers of fiberglass needs and how I can use your pdf plans.
I tried to use them in CNC machine but it's impossible and I can't print in 1 to 1 in order to hand saw it.
Hope to hear from you,
RE: CLC WILL BE CLOSED, Thursday, July 30th.
» Submitted by CARL, MICHAEL - Wed, 7/29/20 » 5:28 PM
We wish you, your team, and all of your families well.